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watch extraits

Watch trailer

Beyond our own social condition, we share the fundamental question that makes the future a source of anguish and the past a source of melancholy, Let’s make a celebration of it: WATCH
Watch, is:
The launching of Paradise Palace, based at the Théâtre du Châtelet until 2024 for a tryptic of creations and
the organisation of a social and artstic ‘stadium’ after the Olympic Games.
• The birth of the Collège du Poétique, an eclectic citizen group, with Jacques Toubon as general
• The mobilisation of 6 partner structures to run the workshops and multiply the discussions on Time,
(The Paris Samusocial (Welfare services), the prison in Meaux, 2 EPHAD (Old People’s Home) of the
Centre d’Action Sociale in Paris, the Jeanne d’Arc primary school in the 13th Arrondissement in Paris and
the Palliative Unit of the APHP (French Social Security).
• A collaboration with the Philippe Jaroussky Academy for two musicians in the musical formation of
Watch, with the ‘En Avant’ gym club in Paris, in the framework of the Cultural Olympics, with Les
Augures Lab /Scenography to follow the environmental conception of the project and the Maison de la
Poésie for the Samusocial workshops.
• Donors who have supported the project and paid for ‘special seats’ to allow the precarious to come to the
• Two performances at the Théâtre du Châtelet with spectators from all over, perfectly reflecting
the show.
• The creation of a brand new reintegration project for prisoners with the Accord Group and SPIP77,
• A project directly impacting 3000 beneficiaries.
• The adhesion of our public partners (Ville de Paris, Direction Regionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Ile de
France, the SPIP77) and our private partners (The Accor Endowment foundation Accor Heartist Solidarity, the Meyer Foundation, La Poste Foundation, Le Barreau de Paris Solidarités,
the Conseil National du Barreau, Humanités Digital Numérique).
Concept, writing, and direction: Olivier Fredj Assistant director: Arthur Hauvette
Graphic design: Geoffroy Pithon
Set design and costumes: Olivier Fredj and Thomas Lauret Light design: Philippe Berthomé
Musical coordination: Shani Diluka Electronic music: Matias Aguayo
Music arrangements: Abel Saint Bris
Shani Diluka, piano
Matias Aguayo, electro mix
Iris Scialom, violin Phlippe Jaroussky Academy
Charbel Charbel, cello Philippe Jarrousky Academy Warren Kempf, viola
Vincent Lochet, clarinet
Théo Lampérier, percussion
and Emma Foucher-Créteau, Fanny Sintès, Hadyl Amar, Jacques Mazeran, Nadir Chebila and Davka, Bizon, Haïss, Alphonse, Pazzo, Mara from Meaux penitentiary centre.
Writing workshop directors: Sylvie Ballul, Yann Apperry, Judith Perrignon, Célia Houdart and Loïc Froissart
Repeaters: Imane Djelalil and Emma Foucher-Créteau Pianists: Sérine Mahfoud and Ernestine Bluteau
General coordination: Julie Blanc Colcanap
Press relations : Yoann Doto
Photographer: Edouard Brane
Videographers: Isaac Mazeran and Vivien Casamian Eco-design trainee: Zoé Brioude
We would like to thank L'Orchestre de Chambre de Paris for initiating and supporting the creation of Prison and especially Watch-Voyages Divers in 2019-2020.
We would like to thank Thomas Amouroux for taking photographs of the show at the Théâtre du Châtelet
Stage Director